Get educated on the issues that matter to you the most.
Home Refinancing Basics
Even though more than half of all new mortgages issued in recent years have been for homeowners refinancing their existing home loans, the decision to refinance isn’t necessarily the wisest strategy for everyone.
Helping to Care for Aging Parents
Many baby boomers are finding that their aging parents are in need of health care assistance.
Financing a New Car
For most new car buyers, the question of whether or not to finance their purchase is academic — with the average new car price approaching $30,000, some sort of loan is usually necessary.
Buying a New or Used Car
The first step to getting a good deal on a new or used car is to be informed before you negotiate with a dealer. New and used car cost guides are available in bookstores, libraries, and online. These will help you research prospective models, their factory invoice prices, and the costs of various options.
Beyond Retirement: What About Your Other Goals?
In addition to saving for retirement, there may be several other major financial goals you’ll need to juggle in a lifetime.
Why Women Need to Save More Than Men
Women often face greater obstacles when it comes to investing for retirement. On average, women work fewer years and earn less than men. This means that they have lower pension and Social Security benefits. But they also have longer life expectancies, so they need to save even more for a longer retirement.
The Secret Key: Lessons of the Masters
An Insider’s Guide To Wealth Management In A Rapidly Changing World
The purpose of this report, The Secret Key: Lessons from the Masters, is to introduce to you the Master’s Key to help preserve, invest, grow, and enjoy your wealth in this “New Normal” world.